People can be total jerks, but that’s no reason to lose hope in them. Sometimes I wonder, “Are there any good people left in the world?” And now I can tell you Yes, there are and I have proof. These wonderful people will restore your faith in humanity with their random act of kindness and remind you that perhaps humanity still exists. 15 Random Acts of Kindness to Brighten Your Day

Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

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15 Random Acts of Kindness to Brighten Your Day

People can be total jerks, but that’s no reason to lose hope in them. Sometimes I wonder, “Are there any good people left in the world?” And now I can tell you Yes, there are and I have proof. These wonderful people will restore your faith in humanity with their random act of kindness and remind you that perhaps humanity still exists. 15 Random Acts of Kindness to Brighten Your Day

Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

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