Whatsapp Puzzles, Funny Quiz with Answers
This thread is dedicated to Whatsapp Puzzles, Funny Quiz with Answers which will be updated on a regular basics. Some of these need intense thinking while some are really silly and funny. Try to solve these and share it with your friends on Whatsapp Groups.

#1 What has an eye but can not see? 

Answer: A needle.


#2 What day comes three days after the day which comes two days after the day which comes immediately after the day which comes two days after Monday?

Answer: Tuesday.


#3 A man is found hanging in a room 3 feet off the ground. There is nothing else in the room except for a large puddle of water on the ground. The police can’t see any way the man could have climbed the walls to get to where he is hanging.

How did this man hang himself?

Answer: He stood on a tall block of ice and put the noose around his neck.
Once the ice melted, he was hung, and all that was left was a puddle of water on the ground.


#4 What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? 

Answer: A palm.


#5 There is a red house made of red bricks, a blue house made of blue bricks, an orange house made of orange bricks.

What color bricks is a greenhouse made of?

Answer: It was a trick question. A greenhouse is made of glass or plastic, not bricks.


#6 Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? 

Answer: Incorrectly.


#7 A man has 53 socks in his drawer: 21 identical blue, 15 identical black and 17 identical red. The lights are fused and he is completely in the dark. How many socks must he take out to make 100 per cent certain he has a pair of black socks?

Answer:40 socks.
If he takes out 38 socks, although it is very unlikely, it is possible they could all be blue and red. To make 100 percent certain that he also has a pair of black socks he must take out a further two socks.


#8 What gets broken without being held? 

Answer: A promise.


#9 Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die. 

Answer: Fire.


#10 He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he? 

Answer: A priest.


#11 A man walks into his bathroom and shoots himself right between the eyes using the real gun with real bullets. He walks out alive, with no blood anywhere. And no, he didn't miss and he was not superman, or any other caped crusader. How did he do this?

Answer: He shot his image that he saw in the bathroom mirror!


#12 What has a head and a tail, but no body? 

Answer: A coin.


#13 What has a foot on each side and one in the middle?

Answer: A yardstick.


#14 Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will! What am I? 

Answer: An onion.


#15 I am a Five letters Word.
People eat me.
If you remove first letter, I will be a form of energy.
If you remove my first two letters, I will be needed for living.
If you remove my first three letters, I will be near you.
If you remove my first four letters, I will be drink for you.
Guess What I am?

Answer: Wheat


#16 What invention lets you look right through a wall? 

Answer: A window.


#17 Prem is twice as old as Ram was when Prem was as old as Ram is now. The combined age of Prem and Ram is 112 years. How old are Prem and Ram now?

Answer: When Prem was 48, Ram was 32(ie half the age Prem is now).


#18 What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

Answer: A stamp.


#19 Every station on the railway system sells tickets to every other station. Some new stations were added. 46 sets of additional sets of tickets were required. How many new stations have been added? How many stations were there originally?

Answer: 2 new stations.
11 existing stations.


#20 What is at the end of a rainbow? 

Answer: The letter W.

#21 What kind of room has no doors or windows? 

Answer: A mushroom.

Bookmark this page. This Whatsapp Puzzles, Funny Quiz with Answers thread will be updated frequently.

20+ Whatsapp Puzzles, Funny Quiz with Answers

Whatsapp Puzzles, Funny Quiz with Answers
This thread is dedicated to Whatsapp Puzzles, Funny Quiz with Answers which will be updated on a regular basics. Some of these need intense thinking while some are really silly and funny. Try to solve these and share it with your friends on Whatsapp Groups.

#1 What has an eye but can not see? 

Answer: A needle.


#2 What day comes three days after the day which comes two days after the day which comes immediately after the day which comes two days after Monday?

Answer: Tuesday.


#3 A man is found hanging in a room 3 feet off the ground. There is nothing else in the room except for a large puddle of water on the ground. The police can’t see any way the man could have climbed the walls to get to where he is hanging.

How did this man hang himself?

Answer: He stood on a tall block of ice and put the noose around his neck.
Once the ice melted, he was hung, and all that was left was a puddle of water on the ground.


#4 What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? 

Answer: A palm.


#5 There is a red house made of red bricks, a blue house made of blue bricks, an orange house made of orange bricks.

What color bricks is a greenhouse made of?

Answer: It was a trick question. A greenhouse is made of glass or plastic, not bricks.


#6 Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? 

Answer: Incorrectly.


#7 A man has 53 socks in his drawer: 21 identical blue, 15 identical black and 17 identical red. The lights are fused and he is completely in the dark. How many socks must he take out to make 100 per cent certain he has a pair of black socks?

Answer:40 socks.
If he takes out 38 socks, although it is very unlikely, it is possible they could all be blue and red. To make 100 percent certain that he also has a pair of black socks he must take out a further two socks.


#8 What gets broken without being held? 

Answer: A promise.


#9 Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die. 

Answer: Fire.


#10 He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he? 

Answer: A priest.


#11 A man walks into his bathroom and shoots himself right between the eyes using the real gun with real bullets. He walks out alive, with no blood anywhere. And no, he didn't miss and he was not superman, or any other caped crusader. How did he do this?

Answer: He shot his image that he saw in the bathroom mirror!


#12 What has a head and a tail, but no body? 

Answer: A coin.


#13 What has a foot on each side and one in the middle?

Answer: A yardstick.


#14 Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will! What am I? 

Answer: An onion.


#15 I am a Five letters Word.
People eat me.
If you remove first letter, I will be a form of energy.
If you remove my first two letters, I will be needed for living.
If you remove my first three letters, I will be near you.
If you remove my first four letters, I will be drink for you.
Guess What I am?

Answer: Wheat


#16 What invention lets you look right through a wall? 

Answer: A window.


#17 Prem is twice as old as Ram was when Prem was as old as Ram is now. The combined age of Prem and Ram is 112 years. How old are Prem and Ram now?

Answer: When Prem was 48, Ram was 32(ie half the age Prem is now).


#18 What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

Answer: A stamp.


#19 Every station on the railway system sells tickets to every other station. Some new stations were added. 46 sets of additional sets of tickets were required. How many new stations have been added? How many stations were there originally?

Answer: 2 new stations.
11 existing stations.


#20 What is at the end of a rainbow? 

Answer: The letter W.

#21 What kind of room has no doors or windows? 

Answer: A mushroom.

Bookmark this page. This Whatsapp Puzzles, Funny Quiz with Answers thread will be updated frequently.