Awesome Giant Straw Animals in Japan Fields: Niigata Prefecture is on the west coastal area of Japan’s Honshu Region, surrounding the Coast of Japan and including Sado Island. It’s widely known for its ski resorts, national sanctuaries.
Starting 2008, university students at the Musashino Art University in Tokyo have ventured to Kamizeki Lagoon Sanctuary in Niigata City, Japan to put together tremendous sculptures crafted from straw. Year after year the college students create bigger wooden frames which work as the foundation for the woven straw artworks. The Japanese word “Wara” translates to rice-straw in english. The straw is attached to wooden frames to provide stability and allow for greater size. The festival equally features kite flying, a miniature marketplace along with other events. More than any other sulptures, the incredible dinosaurs are the ones that have attracted many international tourists. It’s an enormous success with kids and parents as people are able to interact with the sculptures, taking photographs and also enjoying in the open fields.
This year’s Straw Art Festival started on August 29 and will remain open until November 1, 2016. For more information visit the official site and Facebook page.
Below are some of the enormous straw sculptures from this year as well as highlights from past festivals.
Images via Wara Art